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Nov 12, 2019


I started making geometric jewelry about two years ago
(see my post -
and I am still fascinated by geometric shapes.

Before presenting my new pentagonal variations,
I’d like to share with you my thoughts
about my “geometric obsession”.

In the 1920s, a group of German psychologists developed theories
about how people perceive the world around them.
Their theory was based on the human inclination to identify
structures, logic, and patterns in the world.
 It helps people to make sense of the world,
to understand their surroundings.
They called these theories “The Gestalt principles”.
(Nowadays, designers use these principles for brand icons)

Image result for ‫צורות גיאומטריות‬‎

The basic geometric shapes are easy to percept.
When we see them, we feel “calm”, “safe”, “stable”,
because we identify their generic form.

I broke the rules:
I “undermined” these feelings!
My pentagons are not accurate and not balanced.
Their “ribs” are uneven in size, and not absolutely straight.

Regular polygon 5 annotated.svg

Moreover - the way I combine them,
looks “sporadic” and “accidental”.
They don’t fit together!
It makes a sort of impression that they are
provisional, imbalanced, and accidental…
This dissonance intrigues us, and “catches” our eye…
It makes the jewelry interesting…

Well, now to my new item:
 “Geometric” flowers -

As earrings –

And as a necklace –

Visit my shop, and look at my geometric and other designs.

And – Enjoy my
10% - 20%
off on ALL items in stock.

I wish you a
                                  MERRY  CHRISTMAS

                                  A HAPPY NEW YEAR!